Happy to be a Mom!

I love this thought from President David O. McKay

"She, who can paint a masterpiece or write a book that will influence millions -- deserves the admiration and the plaudits of man. But she who rears a family of beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come, long after paintings have faded, and books have been destroyed she deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God. In her high duty and service to humanity, she is co-partner with the Creator himself."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cebu Boat Trip

Cebu is a visayan island in the central region of the phillipines and they are getting a new temple. At the last minute we found out that our ward had a few extra tickets for the cultral celebration and dedication. And one of Devin's favorite mission companion's Elder Boiser lives in Cebu, so we booked a boat ride over - so we could see all the islands and things (25 hour ferry)- we thought it would be a fun experience and thankfully we booked a flight home. We left thursday night This was tourist class which looked liked barracks with not even a sheet provided there were about 100 people in the room. We decided to book the higher price room.

Here is the 24 hour a day Karaoke party that was provided, These philipinos LOVE karaoke.

Here was our fancy bed, marianne and I slept on top and spencer and devin slept on the bottom and we had 8 people in this room (they didn't have a private room available- we asked). And to top of the luxuries we had a very very smelly bathroom :)

You can barley see him but spencer is playing with a little philipino girl they are both over in the corner looking out the window in the upstairs cafeteria.

Here is one of the islands. It really was a picturesque voyage however we spent hour upon hour trying to entertain spencer and we are very happy we will be flying home!
Lets say this is no cruise liner

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