My friends Kallista and Cathi gave me a baby shower at Bishop Jaimison's house. It was wonderful we had friends from our single's ward, my work, and some from all around.Kallista and Cathi threw the shower.
Meg and Genna getting ready to measure my stomach.
Yep I'm really getting big.
Single's ward friends
Here's the Jaimision's and friends, Sharolyn, from work, and Amy Merril (husband's first counselor with in the singl's ward with Devin). There is my quilt in the background
Here I am with Ashley and Katie. Ashley and I were roommates in the Spain, she now lives in Pleasant Grove with her husband and baby Benjamin. Katie is from Arizona, shw lives their with her husband Spencer, and baby Lance, she was up visiting her family in SLC and was able to come down for the shower. Thanks Katie and Ashley great to see you!
Here's a beautiful quilt that Sister Jaimison Made me. Each dinosaur is made seperately by her machine.
We had wonderful food. Fruit, drinks, rolls etc. . .
Such wonderful presents for our new little one.
A bunch of girls from the singles ward came. WE love them! So fun. Nicole, Whitney, Diana from work, brenna, shannon, and Aubrey from our home married ward.
Lots of friends. Thanks everyone for coming.
Hear Him
The prophet has challenged us to Hear Him and I realized that I used to
process a lot of my thoughts and feelings and promptings by writing them
down. Thi...
4 years ago
Baby showers are the best. That is a really cute shirt you're wearing.
Hey, question for you. Is Meg's last name Salisbury. I don't want to explain all the details of how I know her because it's complicated. It just looks a lot like her.
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