This Memorial Day was extremely "memorable" for our family. Wendell Spencer Wagstaff joined our family at 12:15 am. Naomi woke up Sunday morning at 6:20 am with contractions. The contractions continued for 16 hours, ranging from 2 to 23 minutes apart. Since we were told that we should stay at home until the contractions were consistently 2-5 minutes apart, we stayed at home until 10:00 pm when Naomi's water broke. Luckily, Naomi's mom decided to come down to help out when she heard Naomi was having contractions. She arrived at 8:00 pm with Dad, Katie, and Cruizer (the family dog). We arrived at the hospital at 10:15 pm and Naomi was dilated to a 6. Her contractions after her water broke were extremely intense, and Naomi had an epidural at 10:45 pm. By that time, she had dilated to an 8. The epidural worked great, and she could hardly feel the contractions. At 11:20, she had completely dilated and began pushing. Spencer was born at 12:15 am at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo UT, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 in.
Naomi's mom, dad, and sister Katie were at the hospital. Kallista also showed up at the hospital to help deliver the baby even though she had to work at 6 am the next day. We were thrilled to have her there too. Devin's parents drove all night long from Sacramento to see Spencer. Thanks Mom & Dad. We had several other friends and family drop in to see us while we were at the hospital. It was great to share our new baby with them.Wendell is a family name that goes back five successive generations in Devin's family (Devin, his dad, grandpa, and great-grandpa).
We will post more pictures soon, but we wanted to get something up as soon as possible for everyone to see.
We love you all and are so excited for each of you to meet baby Spencer.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Welcome W. Spencer Wagstaff!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lisa's Wedding
One of my best friend's Lisa got married May 17th, in St. George. I was at (37 weeks) but was feeling good so we decided to make the day trip.37 weeks, I look huge and feel even bigger!
The temple is beautiful
Here we are, it was a warm day 96 Degrees
Lisa and Brian Tanner. Lisa looked gorgeous her dress was just perfect on her.
Coming out of the temple.
Devin took this picture, he is quite the photographer
Lisa had 7 bridesmaids. I got a pink maternity shirt that matched the other girls, and I just managed to squeeze into the skirt. L-R Sisters, Becky, Sherry, Chrissy, twin sister Diantha, Lisa Brian, friends, me, brittany, and Becky.
Here we are. Lisa and I went to high school together, and were roommates at BYU. We've been friends a long time and its so nice to be apart of each other's lives.
Here are the four of us. It will be so fun to be married friends, together.
Baby Shower
My friends Kallista and Cathi gave me a baby shower at Bishop Jaimison's house. It was wonderful we had friends from our single's ward, my work, and some from all around.Kallista and Cathi threw the shower.
Meg and Genna getting ready to measure my stomach.
Yep I'm really getting big.
Single's ward friends
Here's the Jaimision's and friends, Sharolyn, from work, and Amy Merril (husband's first counselor with in the singl's ward with Devin). There is my quilt in the background
Here I am with Ashley and Katie. Ashley and I were roommates in the Spain, she now lives in Pleasant Grove with her husband and baby Benjamin. Katie is from Arizona, shw lives their with her husband Spencer, and baby Lance, she was up visiting her family in SLC and was able to come down for the shower. Thanks Katie and Ashley great to see you!
Here's a beautiful quilt that Sister Jaimison Made me. Each dinosaur is made seperately by her machine.
We had wonderful food. Fruit, drinks, rolls etc. . .
Such wonderful presents for our new little one.
A bunch of girls from the singles ward came. WE love them! So fun. Nicole, Whitney, Diana from work, brenna, shannon, and Aubrey from our home married ward.
Lots of friends. Thanks everyone for coming.
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Baby's Room!
We finally have our nursery just about finished. I'm still working on quilting the quilt and the crib bumper but. I thought I would add the picts we already have so you can see whats going on. This has been our project for the last couple of weeks! But we just love it.
We went with an Airplane- Vintage Red, White, and Blue Americana theme. To match the quilt that I madeHere is the quilt! It is a 12-square Suspender Sam pattern (which are the little boy squares) Each boy is holding a heart, kite, or balloon. Then I found a pattern for the airplanes. Its all Red-Blue- White, Vintage. I've been working on it for months and just love the way it turned out!
The room was certainly a project. This was Devin and my first attempt at painting anything by ourselves (without the mom's) so we got everything from Home Depot and got started.
We did the bottom 1/3 in Navy (all by ourselves).
But then decided to let the experts come and help. Devin's Mom Gaylynne came and helped us do the matte/gloss cream stripes on the top 2/3s of the wall. They turned out fabulou! Thanks
Mom!Then we put a cute red border in the middle (which we found for $4.00) and added the furniture. This is a beautiful wood dresser that we splurged on to match the beautiful crib Devin's parents bought for us. And look at my darling Lamp which we got from Aunt Shawna at the baby shower, it has an helicopter which matches the theme perfectly!
Our beatiful brand new Lazy boy rocking Chair that my parents bought for me for my b-day. It is so comfortable! We love it!
Here is the Crib, Sorry the picts a little dark, with the valence i made to match the quilt.
We are very excited for the room and can't wait to welcome our little boy home with it. 28 Days and counting!
Single's Ward Opening Social
As most of you know Devin got called to be the 2nd counselor in a BYU Single's Ward last December. It is a year calling.
Here are some picts from the Spring Opening Social that we just had. We are really enjoying being in the bishopric and are excited for the Spring semester!Here I am enjoying burgers at the Bishop's House with some of my favorite members, Shannon, Derek, Mindy (who played an extra in the single's ward 2) and Sarah.
Has anyone ever heard of Lasso Golf? Well we played it tonigth, you have 2 tennis balls tied together and throw them across the yard like horse shoes to try to land on this white fence. Super Fun! Genna, Naomi, Brenna, and Russ are all making points!
Here is Devin eating with some fine members. We had the party on Cinco Day Mayo, which we didn't actually celebrate, so Devin brought his lucky sombrero to make it festive. He wore this hat during his finals (literally through all of them) So we will see come June 6th, when grades come out how lucky it really is. If you never see the sombrero in any more of our picts I guess you'll know not to ask how grades went :). We have high hopes he did fabulous.
Baking Cookies
Devin and I participated in the Law School mentoring program this year. Were the 5th graders from Wasatch Elementary came to the Law School once a week did activities with the law students. They neede more women, so I got the chance to participate. I got lucky and got two amazing girls to be with Mckala and Nicole.
And the best part is they happen to live just around the corner from us. So last friday they came over and made cookies with me. So much fun.Here's Nicole getting ready to pour the flower in, McKaela is in the back showing off my cute Flamanco Apron.
McKaela Stiring up the dough!
Our finished cookie dough, we made a ton! and It was amazing!
Of course we have to enjoy our cookies with Milk. They tasted delicious. Good Job Girls!!!
SLC Baby Shower!
My Family is so great, My mom and Devin's mom drove all the way to Utah to put on a baby shower for us. It was awesome! We played games, had amazing food, and received some wonderful needed presents!Most of Devin's Family came to celebrate iwth us, here I am with Aunt Irene, Grandma Sizemore, Aunt Diane and Cousin Elise.
This is My Aunt Lori and Devin's Aunt Shawna. It was so fun having everyone.
My Frined Amanda, Me, My sister Katie-Anne, and my cousins Emily and Marjike (who's getting married at the end of May)!
Me with Grandma Zoom and Aunt Lisa
My freshman year roommate Rhonda came all the way from Rigby ID with her darling son Daniel to see me. Thanks Rhonda it was so good to see you!
Thanks for coming everybody! It was so fun seeing everyone. (I am missing pictures with the Mom's who are probably in the kitchen preparing the food) Thanks for driving all the way to be with us. We love you guys