Happy to be a Mom!

I love this thought from President David O. McKay

"She, who can paint a masterpiece or write a book that will influence millions -- deserves the admiration and the plaudits of man. But she who rears a family of beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come, long after paintings have faded, and books have been destroyed she deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God. In her high duty and service to humanity, she is co-partner with the Creator himself."

Friday, November 9, 2012


My darling friends threw me a wonderful Babyshower .
 The food and decor was amazing!

 Marianne and my mom were both with me!
 lots of my friends came!
 I was 36 weeks - good thing we didn't have it much later!

My Friend Nicole did this Diaper cake so fun!

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