So even though we are in the "not so cute baby acne- I'm not old enough to smile yet" stage, I took a few 1 month old shots of Marianne today. I think she is quite a vision in purple. Our little girl has been quite an angel of a baby (except for last night).
Most nights I feed her at 9:30 1:00am and 5:00am. Not bad for a new born. And then every three hours or so i the day time. She still sleeps a ton during the day, but will wake up for a little while. Thanks to Baby wise she is going to sleep pretty much on her own once we wrap her up and lay her down awake- really this kid is an angel and we are so happy to have her.
Oh and you can't tell from the pictures but we think she is going to have her daddy's beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes to me look navy with a circle of light blue/white around the pupil. So we'll see. . . Spencers had blue grey eyes when he was born but they were a lot darker then hers and turned brown after a few months.She has quite a bit of dark hair, although her eye brows and eye lashes are white, so most likely she will be like spencer and have much lighter hair in a couple of months
She has this awesome double chin, at her two week apointment she weighed 8lbs 3oz, (almost a pound above her birth weight and had gained 19oz in 10 days! Great job
Yesterday We took the whole family to church for the first time. She was a doll slept the whole time. Thanks michelle for the darling outfit!
I even got to go to church for the first time in a month, it was nice to be back. Here is my darling little girl.
Hear Him
The prophet has challenged us to Hear Him and I realized that I used to
process a lot of my thoughts and feelings and promptings by writing them
down. Thi...
4 years ago
I think she looks beautiful in the outfit! I also think she looks a little like you! You look beautiful too. I'm glad to hear it's all going well!
I think she looks just like you too! She is so beautiful! Congratulations! It looks like you're doing great!
Wow she is a doll!!! I love all that hair, and you dress her so cute! Shoot, I hope the thing I sent for her still fits! Can't wait to meet the little princess in person!
Oh MY! You are so lucky I'm about to have a new baby of my own or I would have come stolen her from you the minute I saw these pictures. Of course, maybe I will anyway. She is such a sweet, beautiful, snuggly little thing, and it was so fun seeing her all cozy in your moby wrap yesterday!
Your little girl is so cute and you look awesome. I will answer your questions you asked. I am due April 11th but have a scheduled induction on April 8th if I make it until then. And yes we have a name picked out. It is Thomas Clark and we will call him Clark. I was thinking about you the other day and was going to call you and then got busy doing something else so I will have to call you soon.
Oh she is so cute! Can't wait to meet her!
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