Spencer is a Purple Dragon for Halloween, We love this costume, which he got from his cousin Eli, thanks Eli!. He is so cute! THis is the Single's Ward Halloween Party, which was super fun, and of course Spencer the Purple Dragon was a hit with all the kids!
As you can tell we got involved with the Pie Eating Contest. Devin was the Mouth and Naomi was the Hands. So fun.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Purple Dragon
Visitng with Grandpa
Devin's Grandpa Wagstaff (who spencer is named after- Wendell) has been really sick the past few months, so Devin's brother Jerrin and his family came up for a few days to visit with him. We went up also and to hang out with Jer, Jess, Eli, Macey, and Grandpa Wagstaff, and Great Grandpa Wagstaff and Caroline.
Get Well Soon Grandpa. We love you.
Harley Davidson
So my friend Kallista has a cousin that owns the Harley Davidson Store out in Orem, So we decided to take a trip and have lunch out there. Kind of fun, as you can see Spencer thought it was a blast.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Singing with Spencer
Here is the cutest video of Devin and Spencer singing together. Spencer is singing right along with his cute baby sounds! The boys play guitar with Spencer a lot and he just loves it!
Tickling Spencer
As part of our night time ritual I was tickling Spencer's Tummy. He is so giggly lately we just had to get it on camera! What a Happy Smiley Boy!
Game with Friends
On Saturday we went over to Ashley and Sam's house to watch the Homecoming Game, Yea BYU Won. We had a blast. Ashley, Devin, and I went to Spain together, Ashley and I were roommates. They have a little baby named Benji who is 4 months older than Spencer. So fun adn Cute. Thanks for the great Game!
Success with Solids
We are really enjoying solids with Spencer. Today we tried Bannanas and he loved them! Hopefully our tiny little boy will soon start to grow!
First Feeding
Spencer had his 4 month Check up. He is 26 inches long (75%) , in the 5th percentile for his head, and is only in the 10th percentile for his weight, weighing in at 13 lbs 4 1/2 ounces. So the doctor suggested to start feeding him solids. So we started Rice Cereal this last week . Here is the short video of the experience. I think he liked it!
FHE with the Bishop
Last week we got to go to Bishop Driggs house for a Bar B Q / FHE, He is the bishop of our Young Married Student Ward. We had such a great time.
Here is Spencer playing with his Jumperoo Toys! He loves them, although he is still trying to figure them all out!
Girl's Night Out
During the Priesthood Session of Conference I got to meet up with some old Friends. Andrea, Rhonda, Kallista, and I were all freshman roommates together, along with (Michelle, Tiffany, Liz, and Cathi). Rhonda moved to Logan so we thought it would be a great thing to see each other. It had been ages. We went and ate at the Cheesecake factory and then went back to Andrea's House in SLC and watched/Danced to "A Walk to Remember" a Freshman tradition. It was so fun seeing you guys! We miss the good old days.
Homecoming Parade
Peter, Spencer, and I went to the BYU Homecoming Parade, which was just down the street from our house. We went and ate a pancake breakfast that BYUSA put on while we waited. It was freezing outside. But we all stayed bundled up, especially Spencer who hung out in Peter's Coat.
Getting Ready for Bed
Getting Ready for bed, Reading books and taking a bath. We love our Baths!
Spencer has recently discovered his cute feet and is loving holding and playing with them.
Uncle Peter
My little brother (6"3') Peter moved in with us in August and is becoming Spencer's favorite buddy. Here they are playing . We love you Peter.What a good influence Peter has on Spencer, reading the scriptures together.
Peter and Spencer just hanging out.