Nana and Grandpa watched Spencer for us so that Devin and I could go on a date. We went to old town Sacramento and had ice cream and went window shopping.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Date in Old Town Sacramento
family picture
Here are the three grandkids on devin side. Eli 3 , Macie 1 year, Spencer 3 months. and our little family
Visiting the Rowleys
ON Sunday we went to Fresno to visit Naomi's Aunt and Uncle, they were the family we stayed with all last year. It was fun seeing everyone. Here is my cousing Sharon and me and spencerDevin and Cambria, Naomi and Spencer, Sharon and Brynn
Becca's oldest child ( 3 years old) Cambria, was a very devoted mother to baby Spencer, and never left his side. While I nursing him, she kept looking at me and said "he's almost done and I hold him?" and later after dinner she was determined that she should take him on a walk, when we told her he was to little, she said "oh, I teach him". It is fun watching little girls be mothers.
Babies on the Lake
So taking a baby on the lake is a whole new experience. One Word: Life Jacket, thank goodness the engine of the boat made him stop crying.
So Spence is still a little small to go surfing so Naomi thought she would go for him. Devin was also amazing on the water, but we didn't get any picts sorry.
Hanging out in Sacramento
Here is one of Spencer's cute smiles while playing in the bouncer.
Here is Mommy and Spencer haning out in the morning.
Daddy Fell asleep in the Chair with Spencer, my tired boys
Sacramento Baseball Gme
In Sacramento we visited Devin's Family, his brothers both came with their families. It was so fun, one of the nights we went to the River Cats Game!
Playing with Spencer
Spener is always so happy especially in the morning. Check out these big smiles!